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How Bad Do You Want It?

How bad do you want your dreams, your vision, your passion? Only you know the answer. No one can answer that question for you. Don't listen to the lies of the enemy saying you're too old. You don't have enough money. Your vision isn't important. Your passion doesn't mean anything. Who cares about your ideas? Don't listen to him. What difference does it matter what he thinks anyway? Only what God gave you matters! Only the voice of God matters! So whatever God has spoken to you to have, GO GET IT!

I'm Just Saying ...

Truth be told, we all have experienced the challenges of life in one way or another. Some level of disappointment in people have caused us to rightfully in our minds put up a wall of safety. The trust factor plays a part in our decision to pursue friendships, relationships, or even business partners.

The expectation standards have been raised too high. The longer that wall of mistrust stands, the harder it can become to crack through the barriers. This is not something that can change overnight, but it's not impossible.

I believe a person wants their wall to come down, but they don't know how. They never got to the root problem of what caused them to put up a wall in the first place.

The only person who can restore and heal what is broken is Jesus Christ. He begins working on us first on the inside. He gets to the root of the heart matters. This is not something we can do in our own strength. Christ is faithful to peel back the layers of pain within us. He is faithful to renew, refresh and transform.

Whatever our struggles may be, I pray that we find the courage to allow the Lord to strip us of any hindrances blocking us from being set free. May we receive His peace to call upon His Name for help. I pray that we find the strength to make the exchange.

Be Kind

Everyone has a story to tell. It does not matter what our background may be, ​we all have a few things in common. The need to be loved, respected, and valued is universal. We all experience difficulties and setbacks periodically. And it is not necessarily any fault of our own. It is called Life. Stuff happens. But we know that it is only God's grace that keeps us daily. A kind word, offered prayer, a hug, or even a listening ear are all acts of kindness that will minister to a person's spirit as they face life's challenges. So be kind.

Focus on Things Eternal

Thank you, Father God. We embrace everything you have planned for us this day. We know that your plans for us are good. Help us to live our lives not fearful because of what is happening around us. Help us to focus and fix our eyes on things eternal. We know that those things that are temporal will fade away. Thank you for the assurance that our trust and hope in you is everlasting.

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